Love Language Models

Love Language Models

Love Language Models

An anonymous advice column to collectively ruminate on matters of love, loss, and the other icks of life - one essay at a time

An anonymous advice column to collectively ruminate on matters of love, loss, and the other icks of life - one essay at a time

An anonymous advice column to collectively ruminate on matters of love, loss, and the other icks of life - one essay at a time

a feelings-first forum for those who share the same ick

a feelings-first forum for those who share the same ick

Hi, I am Kaav - creative writer, community builder, flâneur, founder, angel, celebrity, getting very rich very soon, e-girl with a dense digital lore, and an overall cool person.

Welcome to love language models - an advice column designed to build a community of empaths who cope by trauma dumping on each other anonymously, sometimes for a few paltry laughs.

Yes, it is an advice column but you are stupid if you think you can take advice from a random stranger on the internet. If you indeed think I could give you prescriptive advice to guide you on what to do in life, you should actually not write to me.

Through the stories in this column, I intend to probe my own crooked experiences, match patterns and show you that even in your most dark-edgy-esoteric lore, you are neither alone nor unique in your pain.

Through the stories in this column, I intend to probe my own crooked experiences, match patterns and show you that even with your dark-edgy-esoteric lore, you are neither alone nor unique in your pain.

Through the stories in this column, I intend to probe my own crooked experiences, match patterns and show you that even with your dark-edgy-esoteric lore, you are neither alone nor unique in your pain.

We have a desperate need to be seen, but an inherent fear of showing up. We are wired to think we will become less if we share more, but anything we lose by speaking our truth is not loss, it’s alignment.


We have a desperate need to be seen, but an inherent fear of showing up. We are wired to think we will become less if we share more, but anything we lose by speaking our truth is not loss, it’s alignment.


sorry, it has been my childhood dream to see my words in an image quote

sorry, it has been my childhood dream to see my words in an image quote

sorry, it has been my childhood dream to see my words in an image quote

The Burning Questions

The Burning Questions

The Burning Questions

How does this work?

How does this work?

"Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine." - Mary Oliver, and me.

Write to me, at length, about what keeps you up at night using the form above. If your issue is chosen, your advice will be published as an essay on my substack blog - thots by kaav.

I don't guarantee sound advice. I promise a good time.

Why should we write to you?

You should write to me for the same reason you turn to music, or books or film or even to reddit - to look for cues in life.

That being said, when you write to a writer, you are seeking the writer’s input, biases, worldview, politics, prejudices, and a big hulk of their hearts. These are subjective. As most works of art are. You have no obligation to accept it, and full right to discard it.

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© 2023 Kaavyya Kesarwani

Generated on Thursday, October 26, 2023


© 2023 Kaavyya Kesarwani

Generated on Thursday, October 26, 2023

Stay Updated with Love Language Models!